Thursday, March 13, 2014

How to make Pasturized Milk and Pastillas de leche

Pastillas de Leche if directly translated from Spanish means “milk tablets” or “milk pills” which basically describes this Filipino sweet delicacy. This is made from evaporated milk with some mixtures to make it like a dough. The dough will be formed into small shape and be coated with sugar. 
Pastillas de leche are sweet milk candies that are usually served for dessert. An authentic recipe will require the use of Carabao’s (water buffalo) milk and cooking is also necessary.
What we have here is a no-cook quick and easy dessert recipe intended to satisfy your cravings right away. Also, cooking or heating the ingredients is not necessary.
 All you have to do is mix the ingredients together and voila, a sweet delicious milk candy that you can have for dessert in no time.Like what I’ve mentioned, the best Pastillas are the ones that are made using Carabao’s milk. San Miguel, Bulacan and Laguna are the places where you can get the best and authentic Pastillas.
In making  Pastillas de leche the ingredients and materials needed  are 1L. Fresh Milk, Wooden Laddle, 1kg. White Sugar, Wax paper, Lighter and  Food Container.
In pasteurization of milk heat the milk in low temperature until the thin layer appear  in the surface.

The procedure or method in making pastillas de leche first Heat the pan, until the pan dries. Put the milk in pan for pasteurization  don’t stir until the thin layer appears. Then stir again to until it become more condense. Stir until it become condense ,add vanilla for the aroma. Adding vanilla extract will give out good fragrance of vanilla. It will also give out a little twitch in the taste. Then stir again to until it become more condense Put it into clean container for cooling process, before the packaging process. And Packaging, using the wax paper.

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